Building Features – Attention is drawn to the building because it offers a nice internal view for customers to see every phase of how our car wash operates. It welcomes the customer into a bright, safe and enhanced experience while traveling through the tunnel. Other tunnels can feel like you’re traveling through a dark dirty murky cave. We believe, to clean cars properly, a car wash tunnel needs to have a clean appearance as well.
Conveyor Belt Loading & Transport System – This is a huge feature of our car wash. No more trying to precisely line up into the correlators of the old chain and roller system. It’s easy to load with our system. We eliminate the fear of your car hopping over a correlator or possibility of having them scratch up your wheels and tires. The conveyor system protects your vehicle’s front and rear end alignment as well. It’s a smooth ride without all the jerking and pulling of your vehicle and steering wheel in all directions. Each belt is 30” wide. We can accommodate dually style trucks as well.
Water Reclaim System – The system is new technology and state of the art. It can reclaim up to 95% of the water and reuses a majority of that during the wash cycle. The system is fine-tuned to handle all of the harsh and hazardous material cars pick up on the road (mag chloride, motor oil, grease, phosphates, antifreeze, tar, etc.) When you wash your vehicle at home all of the harsh and hazardous materials go directly into the storm drain. The material isn’t intercepted and treated when that happens. Water loss is 100%. There’s no way to reclaim and recycle it.
Soft Cloth Washing – Creating friction is one of the key factors when it comes to properly clean a vehicle. We use the new technology of microfleece and soft cloth that won’t scratch your car like alternatives. Some car washes use low-end cloth and harsh brushes. The cloth we use is used by the world’s leading car companies including Audi, Mercedes, and Jaguar to wash their cars so they’re in showroom ready condition for sale.
Site Size – We’re situated on 1.5 acres. This substantial sized lot is rectangular shaped which creates easy accessibility in every area of the site. The turn-in lane to the tunnel entrance and tunnel exit lane to the free vacuum area are both wide and spacious. The free vacuum area of the lot is 1.5 to 2 times wider than traditional car wash lots. This gives you more confidence when pulling into the area and vacuum space. Equally if not more important is the fact that customers can have peace of mind when backing out and driving towards the exit.
Centrifugal Blower Producers – We have 18 full size,10 horsepower blower producers. That’s twice as many as our competitors. We felt it was paramount to offer this because a satisfying car wash experience is seeing your car Clean, Shiny and Dry. A vehicle’s not considered clean unless it’s dry. Every level of car wash you purchase through us includes a centrifugal jet dry.
Complementary Vacuums – Nobody cares more about your car than you. Take your time and make sure you get every nook and cranny while vacuuming. We know what it feels like to pay someone to vacuum the car only to find out later that they didn’t remove the floor mats and vacuum under them or vacuum those old french fries living between your seat and console. All of our vacuum stations have custom mat racks that you can clip your mats to and vacuum thoroughly rather than vacuuming them in the car or on the ground.
Complimentary Floor Mat Cleaners – For customers that like to have their floor mats washed and dried. This is a quick and easy way to clean them or freshen them up. We can recycle and reuse the water these units produce as well.